Friday, October 16, 2009

For Steff and Ty

I wanted to say how awesome it was that you guys were able to come out and visit us. I had so much fun being able to spend time with you two and with the kids! Too bad I couldn't make it to Disney but next time you guys come out and if you go I will make sure to not to miss out on going! :)

You two have been an amazing sister and brother to me, so patient with me and I appreciate you guys so much! Check out all the pictures I posted on Facebook from your guys visit! There are TONS! ^_^

You are a blessing to me and I love you! Miss you guys so much!

This picture makes me giggle! Ty why aren't you smiling? LOL! Mike is peaking around the corner. Steff looks good but I look like I am trying not to laugh or something. Gracie looks like she wants to go home and Zane just looks tired! LOL!

This is the best picture I could find of us three while you guys were here visiting! I demand we take better group pictures the next time we see each other! :)