Thursday, October 22, 2009

A very blessed Thursday!

Had a great morning and afternoon today! My grandparents are in the process of moving into a new house so I am helping them out by getting it all scrubbed down and cleaned out.

Cleaning may not sound like much fun but I was able to chat with my grandma the whole time so it was fun for me. :) I am so blessed and happy that I am in Florida now and have been getting to know family I have been away from most of my life!

And tonight I am going out to Downtown Sarasota again to feed the hungry and homeless outreach. So excited! Can't wait to see what awesome things God is going to do tonight!

Please continue to pray for us and for the people on the streets. Pray for more breakthrough, hearts being healed, for provision and for Gods glory to rain down! :D

Thank you Lord for time with family and for the opportunities You have given me to share your love!


Aunt Kellie said...

O.K. I'm going to have to get in the habit of checking your blog every day. If I only check once a week, or so, It's going to take me too long to read everything. I love hearing of all your adventures, and the wonderful, awsome might of the Lord in those that you reach out too. You are such an inspiration and great example of doing whatever God says! Step out of your comfort zone, be obedient, and be a servent of the Lord. That is what your testimony is. Thank you for all you do through Christ Jesus, honey, and thank you God for the gift of Sarah in our lives. I love you.