Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Yahweh our provider!

I have been meaning to post about last Thursday temporary homeless outreach. I am so sorry it took me so long to do it. But let me start out by saying how awesome and wonderful God is! Thursday was amazing!

We usually have food on Thursday nights for about 40-70 people. Well last Thursday there was about 100-150 people! The word is spreading! Yay!

So we had two pans of spaghetti and one cake, one tray of cookies and one tray of cupcakes. Oh and we had 2 of those orange 5 gallon drink coolers (both were only filled a little over half way because usually that's all we need). Well once Solomon and I got to the park and saw how many people were there we immediately started praying for multiplication. We knew that unless God multiplied the food there was not going to be enough! And of course God was completely faithful! Not only did EVERYONE get a FULL plate of food (they do not skimp on the servings cause we KNEW God was going to provide) but lots of people even got seconds!! Hallelujah isn't that AWESOME? :D

I was the one cutting and passing out the cake and helping pass out the cookies and cupcakes, it was so awesome cause once the cake we had was gone I looked next to me where I had this big plastic tub that has all the extra plates and cups in it and on top of it there were two more little creme cakes. So I cut those up and they went really fast, well after that on top of that tub were a few bags of muffins and some sort of pastry that I didn't even know what it was lol. To make a long story short I kept passing out desserts like crazy and we never ran out, in fact we had so much left over we piled up plates and gave them to some people to take with them. WOW! God totally multiplied that food and BLESSED the whole night!

I had the chance to sit and talk with this sweet girl named Ronda and found out her 14 month old daughter is in the hospital needing surgery. I can't remember what her condition is called but it is something about her having a hard time eating and getting her formula and food down and keeping it down. No not the flu some sort esophagus problem. Anyways the doctors wanted to do surgery to open it up so she can get food down easier but she started showing signs of the swine flu (on top of the other problem she was getting the swine flu!) and the doctors said that until she gets over the flu she can't have surgery. Well this woman was of course beside herself with worry cause it is her little baby girl. So I talked with her for awhile and she asked me to pray for her daughter (Oh and her little girls name is Gracie... :D). So I prayed for healing, for peace and for comfort. She told me after we were done praying she had to leave but she said she felt so much more relaxed and at peace than before. Well that is just awesome by itself! But it gets better!

The next day Solomon came over to Mom and Dads to have Sabbath dinner with us. Jacqueline and Grandma and Grandpa all ending up having dinner with us as well. After dinner Solomon wanted to go back to the park to talk to some of the homeless people there to see if they wanted to go to church if the church provided a ride for them. Well I ran ran into Ronda while we were there. She was glowing with happiness and instantly started to tell me that she went to see Gracie that day and all signs of the swine flu were completely gone! AND she started sleeping better, eating and keeping her food down! Wow hallelujah! She said that Gracie will still be going in for the surgery (especially now that she is not sick with the flu and can have surgery) and I am just praying and would like all of you to come into agreement with me that either she gets completely healed so she wont need surgery or that when the doctors open her up that they see she is healed or gets healed right in front of their eyes! What a testimony that would be! :) So it was awesome to get a praise report on little Gracie so soon. I will be talking to Ronda this Thursday to get more updates on Gracie and I will make sure to keep you guys posted.

Wow talk about an awesome week! And can you believe this is only the beginning? This is barely a drop in the bucket to what God wants to do! Whoa! :D

And tonight I am going out to Tampa again so please please please keep praying for us, for the homeless and for the whole outreach! I appreciate you all so much and love you guys! Bless you!


Dad Miller said...

Praise God! Even though I get to hear it first hand when it happens, I still love to read what God is doing and especially in your life.
I love you,

Christine Miller said...

It is so awesome Sarah what God is doing! You are such an inspiration to your family! Love you too - Mom

Rachel said...

And to your son ;) Hooray that we serve a living God, who is at work in our lives and circumstances. Keep up the good work!

Sarah said...

Aw thank you everyone! *hugs*