Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Miracles, Signs and Wonders!

Ok I have to start out by saying how amazing God is! The past month has really been something else for me. My relationship with the Lord has really been developing and I have been blessed enough to get more involved with my churches (yes I am currently attending 3 Saturday night, one Sunday morning and then another Sunday Also getting involved with the different homeless ministries which has been incredible! Every week we are seeing people get healed from physical problems and being freed from emotional and spiritual stuff.

I have got some crazy awesome healing stories I want to share. First there is this man named Dennis who is one of the people we have been ministering to on Friday nights. Since birth he has been 90% deaf because of a disease his mother contracted while she was pregnant with him, it left him with slight brain damage and eye problems as well. Anyways I have only met this guy a few weeks ago when I started the temporary homeless ministry but some of the other people involved with it have known him for almost a year now. He has had a rough time hearing the whole time we all have known him. He has 1 hearing aid and it helps but still isn't 100% (he doesn't have a second because they are like $3500 hearing aids or something and can't afford it). Well anyways the Friday before last Friday...the 24th I think...a bunch of us ended up praying for his ears. After we had prayed for a bit we asked him to take out his hearing aid and started testing it out to see if he could hear us. He said no it was the same so we all just said we weren't done praying in that case! We started praying again and then tested out his hearing again. with his hearing aid out we had someone stand to his side, while he looked straight ahead with eyes close and started snapping their fingers while they walked away. We told him every time they snapped that he should say something if he heard it...Well sure enough they got about 15+ feet away and snapped and he was still able to hear it! Before we prayed without his hearing aid he wouldn't be able to hear that at all! He said his hearing was only restored about 60%+ but that is an incredible difference! We told him to keep praying and holding onto his healing and that God isn't a halfway God, He will complete what he started. :) The last time I checked his hearing is only getting better. Praise God! This guy was floored and hardly knew what to say or do because he was so happy. We got his testimony on video and I'm trying to get a copy of that so I can post it.

Last Thursday there was a young man who had a really bad gash on the top of his head. He said the pain was unlike anything he felt before and didn't have the money to go to the hospital to get it taken care of (he was homeless as well). Well my friends Elena and Solomon ended up praying for this guy and he said the pain had gone away but that was pretty much it. Well we all were going to keep praying and believing that God was going to heal it for him. So the next day Elena and me were in the downtown area trying to meet up with a young homeless girl who desperately needed clothes. She never showed up to meet us like planned but Elena and me ended up running into the young man with the head wound. He was all smiles and with his friend and told us that they have been telling everyone they saw that God healed him! He showed us where the gash was and there was hardly a cut there. It was about the size of a paper cut. Head wounds don't heal overnight like that normally! God is so amazing! :)

And would you believe it if I said there was more...?!? Another man (I was not there for this one but it was Elena and Solomon who were there) was almost completely healed from throat and mouth cancer. This guy had actual tumors in his mouth that you could see and after they had prayed for him they were visibly shrinking and he said all the pain (which was really bad from what he had said) was gone.

That isn't the end of the healings but I have more exciting news! God provided me with a car the other day! My Aunt Anne just randomly tells me, "Oh by the way, I'm giving you my Saturn." I couldn't believe it! Not only that but He somehow keeps providing me with things to sell on eBay so I have just been working on that for my income lately. But He has been providing enough so that I am making enough and staying busy like a full time job. And I haven't had to worry about getting time off for my Jesus Adventures (that is what Elena and me have officially decided to call it lol). It is just so amazing because once God encounters you...nothing is the same afterwards.

Oh and I got prophesied over by 2 different people who I had a "chance" encounter with...well for God there is no luck and chance... :) But the prophecy was essentially about how I am destined for missions. Which I already pretty much knew and have had other people speak that over me. It was just more confirmation and encouragement for me. :)

Aaaand last Friday night I joined Elena and a group of other people in something called a Treasure Hunt. Well it's not the normal kind of treasure hunt. We all get together for prayer and time to soak in the Lords presence and worship Him. And He will gives us "clues" that we all write down. So we'll compare notes and build these "treasure maps" that eventually lead us to people who are the treasure. :) The clues people get can be very vague or some of them are really specific and vivid. So this is my first time doing anything like this, and I am still learning how to hear from the Lord. So I was a little nervous/worried that I wasn't going to get anything. Well I was wrong lol. The word fish kept coming into my head really loud and strong. I was like oh come on Jesus I want something cooler than fish! Lol! But He did not let it go....So I was trying to make sure it was God and not me...well He made sure it was Him. :) Anyways I started to write down fish in my book and then for some reason it hit me that it might something like a fish market. Then I kept seeing a really kinda hazy picture of a big blue Marlin fish (they have a long nose sorta like a swordfish if you don't know what it is...) I thought that was weird but didn't think much of it. Anyways it turns out I wasn't the only one getting fish market so when we finally head out it was decided we would try this place called Walt's Fish Market. Elena had known the owners son or something so we decided it would be worth a try to start there. Oh and some of the other things people got was the color green, rain clouds with a little rain and the color blue. Really broad clues lol.

Anyways we get to this fish market and as we get out of the car and are trying to figure out what to do now I feel a few drops of water on my back and look up and theres a rain cloud right over us, it sprinkled for a whole minute then went away. So I looked up at the sky saw the cloud then looked at the fish market and there was this lady walking into the building wearing a green shirt, green shorts and green socks...seriously who wears green socks? Lol! Anyways me and Elena knew we were supposed to talk to that woman. We go inside the store to introduce ourselves and I look up on the wall and see pretty much the only decoration on it is this huge fake marlin...whoa...I think God was trying to reassure us that we were in the right So to make a long story short we ended up praying with that lady and ministering to her and to half the employees at the fish market lol.

Yes so that treasure hunt was unlike anything I've ever done before! I had no idea people did stuff like that until just recently. :)

Oooo and I have just noticed how long this post has gotten...well I gotta end it here but I will try to continue to post more. Just had to share with everyone what God has been doing! He really is moving right and not just here in Sarasota...He is hitting the land everywhere! There are revivals going on all over the US and different countries. People are starting to walk in the calling Jesus has put on us, we are out there seeing signs miracles and wonders for His glory and in His name! If anyone is interested and wants to see some really crazy stuff God is doing and really get hit by God looked up this film called "The Finger of God" It will leave you quite literally breathless. :)

Love you all! Thanks for all your wonderful support! ^_^


Rachel said...

Very cool Sarah. Thanks for sharing, I'll take a long post anytime ;) Remember to keep the Bible at the center of all you do, how's the journal coming? - We serve an awesome God who truly loves us utterly. Thanks again!

Aunt Kellie said...

I'm so happy to see you excited and involved and with vision and purpose. We waited so long for you to realize that God had a life for you that you weren't yet living, and now you are up to your armpits in His plan. Oh to be young and burning bright with the fire of the Lord...

Christine Miller said...

I am so happy for you, Sarah bear! I remember God doing awesome and amazing things like this in our lives, and He will again too, I believe that!

Sarah said...

Thank you guys! :)

My journal is coming along beautifully. Before I had unpacked it all I had written in it was bits and pieces when I was in the hospital with Jacob and then more bits and pieces shortly after the adoption. It was bare for months! Now it is overflowing. Lol!

Gods Word is my feeding source. :) Isaiah 61 and Mark 16:15-18 explains about the calling the Lord has put on my life. After I had read and really started to study these verses is when God brought opportunities like the homeless ministry to me and told me this was the beginning of the future He has for me (Jeremiah 29:11). All I do now is led by Him, the places I go, churches I am involved with and ministries I assist with.

It's hard for me to explain but since I came back from Colorado in July I have completely surrendered myself to the Lord and am constantly seeking Him now and putting Him in complete control of my life. I don't want to do anything or get mixed up with people or places that He is not leading me to do.

So be reassured family! I may sound pretty extreme but I do all this after the Lord has given me the ok! :)