Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A little helping hand...

Yay I am posting a little more consistently! Lol... :)

So I was able to go help out with the homeless ministries on Thursday and Friday. On Thursday we went down to downtown Sarasota and served food and drinks to the people that were there. I was able to meet a lot of people that are involved with this ministry (some go to The Front, Victory and other random churches) and I was able to meet a lot of the temporary homeless people. We just play games like kickball, witness, pray and just generally talk to these people. It was exciting because I was able to be apart of some powerful prayer that night! Anyways after we were done I stayed with Elena and Solomon for another hour or so just talking about God and sharing some of our crazy Jesus stories. :)

And then on Friday we meet up at a church in Bradenton (this is a different homeless ministry but Elena and Solomon are involved with it as well) to prepare the food, worship God and pray before we head out. We start out at this old abandoned gas station and just do the same things we do on Thursday. Serve people, pray with them and minister to them. Then we head to downtown Bradenton and do all that all over again with another group of homeless people. It was there that we saw more of God's amazing miracles! One man who was mostly deaf in one ear, had lots of knee and back pain got healed of the pain and got his hearing restored! He was ecstatic! He just started praising the Lord right there and prayed blessings over us for praying for him. :) God is so awesome!

So after that we headed out yet again and went down to 14th Street in Bradenton. Now this place is a lot darker and has a lot more people with drug and alcohol addictions and there are these poor girls who are there prostituting themselves. We were able to really witness to people and there was lots of really powerful prayer going on. It was incredible, there was so much joy and laughter there. God really showed up and ministered to a lot of people (not just the addicts and homeless people but to all of us who were there witnessing to people!).

Then after we were done we headed back to the church (its like past midnight by now... lol...) to spend more time worshiping God, praying and thanking Him for all that He did that night. Eventually we were just hanging out in the kitchen eating watermelon and talking and I had mentioned something about how I haven't gotten my prayer language yet but I am super excited for when I do...So one of the girls, Leslie, jumped up and got all excited and asked if they could pray for me to receive it. I of course wasn't going to turn prayer down lol. So everyone started prayer for me and while they were praying I just started praising God and thanking Him for everything and just kept praising Him over and over. Eventually I realized I wasn't speaking English anymore! I was actually speaking in tongues for the first time in my life! OMGosh I was excited and all the people who were praying for me were cheering and thanking the Lord with me. It was amazing. :) So I have officially gotten my prayer language now! Praise God! Last week was an incredible week with a lot of new things for me.

And last night I went to The Front of course and during worship near the end of the night, while I was worshiping I started speaking in tongues again. Without even trying or thinking about it. It just started flowing while I was worshiping. Ya it was fun. ^_^

Yup and I went to church with Dad on Saturday (Mom had to stay home cause her leg was hurting :( but me and Elena are not gonna stop praying and believing God is gonna heal it until it happens!). The message Pastor Brian preached was really good and the worship was awesome! Worship is my favorite by the way...I could spend all day worshiping God and never get bored! :)

After church I left with Elena, stayed the night with her so we could get up early and go to another church service at a place called Restoration Fellowship. That was another great message that I really needed to hear and it hit home pretty hard. :) Then after that church service me and Elena went to Carrabba's for a fund raising lunch. The Pastor from Victory and his family were there and a bunch of other people from Victory and The Front. More good times. :) Pastor Brian has a adorable (and super sweet!) son and daughter that are like 7 and 9 or something like that. Anyways I had my camera with me and I ended up giving them the camera and told them to run around and take pictures of whatever they wanted. They had so much fun and ran around like bandits and took TONS of pictures. Lol! It was pretty cute. I still need to post them on my Facebook, I'll do that soon. :)

I also was able to get some information on a christian photography course that I am considering taking sometime. Its a week long intensive course that I can take in Colorado....So if I am able to do it I will be able to come out and visit everyone either before or after the course! We'll see how that pans out. I gotta get a good camera first and am pretty far off from being able to afford that but I am asking the Lord for a good camera and I really believe He wants to help me get one. :)

Anyways me and mom are about to take off to go do our Bible study so I will post again when I have more to post about.

Love you all!


Christine Miller said...

God is amazing and I am sooooo happy at everything that is going on in your life, sweet pea! Love Mom