Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Oh what perfect love He has given us...

Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating the past week. I have been working on getting the blog done for Solomons temporary homeless ministry, which I recently found out is called Faith United. :) Please check out the blog and tell me whatcha think: Kingdom Perspective

We went out to Tampa last night and wow God is really raining down His blessings in that city! The clouds yesterday were dark and very ominous looking so Solomon and I prayed for God to keep the rain away because if it rains no one comes out! And of course there wasn't a drop of rain in Tampa while we were there. It was raining in Sarasota and all around Tampa though... Our Yahweh is so awesome. :) There was about 50 to 70 people there last night too! The word is really getting out! We only had one pan of food last night but of course Yahweh came through again and provided enough for everyone to get first, second and even THIRD servings! Hallelujah that's grace! Yes it was a beautiful night full of laughter, prayer, smiles, hugs and lots of Yahweh's perfect love. :)

I also have been reading this awesome book called Recognizing the Real Enemy by Miguel Demelli. I met Mr. Demelli at a Shabbat home fellowship a few weeks ago and had the privilege to talk with him for quite awhile and listen to a really powerful message (and be blessed by an amazing prophecy!). This book has been a huge blessing and I recommend it to every believer! I do not have a link where you can read about the book and buy it yet. I will get it and post it soon. :)

My Aunt Michelle and Uncle Bill is in Florida visiting from Colorado too! I am hoping we get to spend lots of time with them on the beach, fishing and just hanging out. :)

Well I gotta get going, I promise I will update again soon! Love you all! Be blessed! :)


Christine Miller said...

How awesome! I love hearing about all the wonderful ways God shows His love for others through you!