Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Good news!

Guess what! As of this morning I have a new job! Yay hurray for the Lord and being just so awesome! :) So a little over a month ago I met some of my neighbors, these really nice guys that recently moved here from Israel. Anyways one of them called me last night and told me he wanted to hire me to help him run his store in one of the malls that is right next to my apartment (they are business men lol). Anyways I started this morning and am super excited. It's also nice getting to know these guys because they have been teaching me a little bit of Hebrew. So I'll have to show off what I have learned when I see everyone again lol.

Its funny the way the Lord works things though. For a few weeks I have been desperately looking for a job. Applying everywhere I can. Then my neighbor randomly calls me and asks me to work for him. Its just funny the way the Lord works. :) Well I have to get going but I just wanted to quickly tell everyone the good news! Thank you for the prayers! Love you all!


Rachel said...

Hooray! Our prayers of request will be turned to prayers of thanksgiving! and Hebrew...Wow cool! Thanks for the good news!

Christine Miller said...

Yes, the Hebrew is very cool. I'm jealous (LOL). Thank You Lord for Sarah's job! Can't wait to hear all about your first day! Love Mom

Stephanie said...

Wow, Sarah thats awesome!!! Now you have to teach the rest of us some Hebrew as well ;)

Thank you Jesus for your faithfulness!

Aunt Kellie said...

Good for you, Sarah! That Hebrew may come in helpful in the future. God loves us and is so faithful to provide. He not only gave you a much needed job, but you are learning the language of His chosen people! Now you just have to let us know what you are doing.

Christine Miller said...

Okay, its been two whole days! I can't be patient any longer! How is your new job going, what are your hours, do you have weekends off, give us details, miss! Love Mom

Dad Miller said...

Hi Sarah Bear,
I finally found my password and can log in again. Great job on the blog design, congrats on the job and i can't wait to see your next photo album.