Monday, May 4, 2009


OMGosh it's been awhile since I've posted! I've been pretty busy working (yay thank you Lord!). :)

So my job is going better than I could have hoped for! Basically I'm working for some friends of mine who sell mostly beauty and home products in malls and what not. What I am doing for them although is working on the computer. I first had to create a set of spreadsheets, to keep record of customers, income/expenses and ect. Now I am working on getting the business set up online and start selling through a website and eBay. So I'll be mostly working online, doing data entry, shipping, filing, stuff like that and every now and then I'll work in the store at the mall. It's a lot of fun! And I am super excited because now I will be able to come out to Colorado for sure to see everyone in June! Yay! :)

I miss everyone tons and tons and can't wait until June!

I have to run but I will post again soon, I have so much more to post about! ^_^


Christine Miller said...

Yay, details! You make your mama happy. So thrilled about your great job, honey! Love Mom

Stephanie said...

I'm so excited about your new job! I looked up the products online, wow, they are really expensive! Looks worth it though :)