Saturday, June 13, 2009

Updates...part 2!

Yes yes I know I need to update more lol. I will definitely try to more often now. :)

So I wanted to start out by telling how much fun I had with Rachel and Jacob this week! Thank you so much for taking the trip out here and spending time with me and my family. We all had so much fun and are very blessed to have you as a new addition to our family! :)

On Friday (the 12th) Pastor Diane, from our church Resurrection Fellowship, met up with us for breakfast at IHOP. Pastor Diane is such a sweetheart and a huge encouragement! She was with me through most of my pregnancy, counseling me and praying for me through the adoption. My whole family and me just love her to pieces. :)
After breakfast was over we said goodbye (more like see you later in the week lol!) to Rachel and Jacob. Hope your drive home was ok! :)

And today I went shopping with Aunt Kellie and Uncle Kerwyn for lil Jacob. Oh oh oh Rachel and Marand, I can not wait for you guys to see what we got for the lil monkey! :D

So my Colorado vacation has been better than I could have imagined! I am having so much fun seeing all my wonderful family and playing with the kiddos. I have missed my Colorado family so much!

I also had the chance to see my good friend Breanna who has very recently gave her life to the Lord! Yay praise God! :) She has been a friend of mine for about 3 years now and has come from a dark past, similar to the past I have overcome :). I am very happy to see her working on changing her life for the better and I am doing as much as I can to help her through the transition (its not easy!).

I have many many photos to post on my photo album but I need to buy a membership to the site before I can update the album. So as soon as I get back to Florida I will get a membership and update pictures so everyone can see all the good times we are having! :)

Here are some of my favorite photos in the meantime ^_^

Such a handsome boy!

Swinging is so much fun!

Mmmm peaches...

These two were just so adorable together :)

Mommas are so much fun and such a blessing! Notice how content and happy Jacob looks every time he is with his momma? We all love you too Rachel!

Jacob had fun with Uncle Mike too!

My handsome little nephew Zane :)

My little niece Gracie being silly and making faces at me :P

Oh and Steffy I added these super cool geisha pics to the side of my blog just cause I thought you would like them and they make me think of you. ^_^


Rachel said...

Jacob and I had so much fun with you all! We are looking forward to the butterfly pavilion and of course the party and the rest of the weeks you all are here! The pictures you posted are great, I'll have to get copies of those sometime. Thanks again for just being super.

Christine Miller said...

We really did have a blast together, and we miss you Rachel and Jacob now that you are home! Yay we will see you soon! Yay for Sarah posting! We will see if we can't get your photo album membership sooner than Florida ... Love Mom

Ann Voskamp @Holy Experience said...

This kind of love makes a heart sing...
You folks all shine Jesus....

Shine on!