Wednesday, July 15, 2009

OMGosh a post! No you are not dreaming! :D

Yay I am finally posting again! I know I am horrible with blogging. Not nearly as consistent as my momma or Rachel. :)

Ok so I wanted to share my experience on Monday night. I was originally planning on going to The Front like normal, but I talked to my good friend Elena on the phone before I left and she told me about this conference that was going on this week called YEX (Youth Explosion). Well on Monday night they had a 'open to the public' night and all of the Fronts leaders and most of the people who go to The Front were going to this thing instead. So I tagged along with Elena and her friend Solomon to this conference. It was amazing! Worship was incredible and lasted for hours (just how I like it!). They also had a guest speaker that night, someone I haven't heard of but apparently he is somewhat famous. His name was Eddie James and his message was about going all out for the Lord. He explained about how people these days go all out with their hobbies, sports, art, drugs or whatever that person may be into, but don't tend to use that same enthusiasm and passion when it comes to Jesus. You can learn more about Eddie James and his ministry here.

Anyways sometime during worship on Monday I had my first Word from the Lord! It was a word of encouragement for someone I have met at The Front. It was funny though because I am still learning to hear from the Lord and argued with God for like 10 minutes to make sure it was from him and not my over active imagination. I also was slightly embarrassed and what not because I had to go up to this person who I barely know to tell them something that the Lord wanted them to hear. Lol by the time I finally got to this person my hands were shaking and all sweaty...I felt so silly cause I wasn't sure how they would react to this as well. Anyways I was very excited about that even though it was a slightly awkward situation. :)

And that was only about half way through the night when that happened. Worship continued after Eddie James preached and then the healing started! So many people were getting healed from emotional, spiritual and physical problems (such as infirmities, addictions, depression and suicidal thoughts/tendencies and etc...). It was incredible! I love being apart of God's miracles and being able to witness them first hand. It really is something to be able to experience God like this and realize that miracles and healings didn't end with Jesus and the Apostles deaths.

Anyways I have decided it is my turn now to go ALL OUT for the Lord! On Thursday I will be getting involved with ministry for my first time! My friend Elena and her good friend Solomon are working with this ministry that is feeding the homeless (ahem correction, temporary homeless as they put it! :P), witnessing to them and just loving on them. And I'll be starting that this Thursday and be joining Elena for it on Thursdays and Fridays. I am very excited! Please pray for me that I will have wisdom and courage! :)

So that's the rundown of my Monday night lol.

Also last Saturday I had the opportunity to go to this beautiful state park about an hours drive from Sarasota called Hillsborough River State Park. It was gorgeous! The mosquitoes were a force to reckon with though...and of course I forgot to bring bug spray which turned out to be a big mistake lol. Next time I go I will buy a can and drench myself in it head to toe! I of course took tons and tons of pictures and am working on uploading them onto Facebook since my online Photo Album is still inactive. So anyone who has Facebook can check em out and let me know whatcha think! If you're not on my friends list just look me up by searching my email,

And on Sunday me and mom and dad were supposed to get up super early to go to some super fantastic shelling beach in Fort Meyers. Well I was up at the time agreed on (got up at 4:30am to be ready by 5am lol) but momma found out that there is a special ferry that you have to take to get to the beach and you need reservations as well. So we decided to go to Coquina Beach instead. Which was fine for me because Anna Maria island is my favorite place in Florida so far. :) We didn't really find anything that great. Just the wrong time of the day I think. But it was still nice to see the ocean and go eat brunch with my folks.

Well this post has been longer than I anticipated so I'm going to get off and take a break from staring at a computer lol. I'll try to post again soon...I know I keep saying that but at least I am trying! :P

Love you all! And I miss my Colorado family soooo much!

Edit: Steffy check out the picture on the very bottom of this page! I put it up just for you cause I thought you would like it and want to save it. :)


Christine Miller said...

So awesome what the Lord is doing in your life, sweet pea! Thank you so much for sharing! And I love reading all your little notes on Fscebook! Love Mom

Aunt Kellie said...

It's o.k. to have a super-long post when you don't do it very often! I love your enthusiasim for the Lord. It is infectious. I am so happy for you and know that will do well in your new ministry. I love you and miss you.

Christine Miller said...

And I just have to comment, on how glad I am that you and Elena are getting to be such good friends. Wow, for so long we prayed for one good friend for you Sarah, who loved the Lord and was mature in the Lord, and whom you two could be an encouragement to each other in serving the Lord and not a discouragement.

And now look at all the friends who fit that description that God has brought into your life! Well of course there is me and Aunt Kellie and Steffie (we have always been there for you), but also Rachel, the Florida aunts (Aunt Anne and Aunt Denise), the Florida cousins (Jacqueline and Jonna too in just a few weeks!) and now Elena. God is sooooo good!

Stephanie said...

What an awesome update my darling! The Lord blesses those who are obedient to Him, and look what He's doing for you. And thank you so much for the lotus picture, it's already saved!

Rachel said...

We praise God with you Momma Sarah for what he is doing in your life! His love for us knows no bounds! Thanks for sharing! You are such a blessing to us.

Sarah said...

Aw thanks guys! I am so happy everyone is still following my blog even though I rarely post! Love you guys so much! :)